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Searching for Statistics Online

“There are three kinds of falsehoods, lies, damned lies and statistics.” * 

Statistics have long been used as a way to persuade others to agree to a certain point of view and bolster an argument but where can you find them? 

In this session we will look at a range of free and subscription resources available to student's providing statistics on a variety of subjects such as the economy, the population, market share and consumer lifestyles.  

* Benjamin Disraeli. In E. Knowles (Ed.), Oxford Dictionary of Quotations (2009, 7th Ed.). 

This workshop is suitable for students on any course. Once you have registered, you will be sent a link and instructions for how to join this online workshop, so you must check your student email address for this link.

Please note: You will be sent the workshop Powerpoint slides AFTER you have attended the session. If you have a learning need and would benefit from receiving the slides prior to the session, please contact the presenter.

Related LibGuide: Statistics: Government and Official Data by Suzanne White

Tuesday, 18th March 2025
15:00 - 15:30
Time Zone:
UK, Ireland, Lisbon Time (change)
Lanchester Library:
This is an online event. Event URL will be sent via registration email.
  Library Workshops  

Registration is required. There are 50 seats available.

Event Organiser

Hayley Chevell

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