
Welcome to LibCal
Welcome to LibCal - the Library's resource booking tool.
The Lanchester Library has a variety of study spaces that you can book for group work. Group rooms are bookable by all students of Coventry University.
Appointments are also available to have one-to-one meetings with the Academic Liaison Librarian for your subject.
Choose whether you want to book a room or make an appointment below, or alternatively see our help guides here.
Book a Library Group Study Room
Use our online tool to book group study rooms in the library.
Book a one-to-one appointment with your Academic Liaison Librarian
Use our online tool to book an appointment with your Academic Liaison Librarian.
I know who my Librarian is.
Book Appointment
I need to find out who my Librarian is.
Book a one-to-one appointment with a sigma – Maths and Stats advisor.
If you are an undergraduate or taught masters’ student please visit one of our drop-in sessions, details can be found at sigma website. If you are a postgraduate researcher please email us at sigma_staff@live.coventry.ac.uk to request an appointment.
Book an appointment with a member of CAW - Centre for Academic Writing
Click the button below to go to the CAW - Centre for Academic Writing appointment booking website.
Please note: this will take you to an alternative booking system.
Opening Times & Contact Us
Lanchester Library
Coventry University
Frederick Lanchester Building
Gosford Street
Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7765 7575
Email: customerservices.lib@coventry.ac.uk
Library Events & Workshops
Come along to a Library event or workshop to help you improve your academic and study skills. Check the calendar to see what’s on and book your place.
Study Spaces in the Library
Study Spaces in the Library